Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. I imagine like many of you, I am so excited for a new year. I love new beginnings and goal planning that often takes place for me after Christmas. It is a time of reflection of the previous year and what I desire for in 2021.

Over ten years ago I created a strategic plan with a list of my core values. It was part of a recovery workshop I participated in and is something I look at most years or when I am struggling to make a decision. My personal mission statement is:”I will strive for growth, healing and deeper spirituality, where I can connect with the Spirit and others, giving love, grace, and peace to those I meet.” It helps me look at circumstances from a different viewpoint as I focus more on spirituality and giving and receiving love. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12 ESV).

Earlier this week I made a list of areas of growth and blessings in 2020. I think the biggest one is that I am still here. 2020 was a crazy year in so many areas – Covid, heartache everywhere, so much division, fears, financial challenges, etc. Many days I wondered how to carry on in this new reality, and often didn’t measure up to how I wished to be. However, I can see the spiritual growth, leaning on God more as I really had no answers for a lot of things. I spoke truth more into my fears and did a lot of grieving. More time at home, I had more walks, more reading, and felt more comfortable calling friends. Year of spirituality – lots of reading, spiritual growth and 12 step work. On my other goal list, I found a new job, a new church home, and ways to serve in spite of many health challenges. Though I still feel a lot of fear and anxiety, I know I feel more peace when I reach out to my God. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. “Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27 ESV).

The reality of my goal planning is that I often get sidetracked, or don’t reach my ideal. However when I take time to reflect, pray and take some action (or inaction if necessary), I am still changing and learning about myself. For me personally, I find it really hard to keep up with all the things that seem necessary in a given day – work, household responsibilities, keeping up with family and friends, errands, exercise, spiritual time, etc. And then…there are the life moments – being ill, someone relapses, a heartbreaking phone call, the dishwasher breaks, no food in the house, I feel depressed, and the list goes on and on. So I still make my list, and let God direct me in doing what I need to do each day. If I don’t hear anything, I try to do the next right thing (which may be going back to bed), or check in with a friend. I aim to keep my priorities, ask for help where I need it, and accept my humanity. I find ways to connect with God, some days through a lot of reading, other days a walk outside, and some days just calling out “help” and receiving the Spirit of love.

My emphasis for 2021 is being more connected with others in some new groups, being of service, cleaning my closet and having more fun. Often these things will overlap, such as calling a friend while organizing the closet, doing a service group, or doing a fun activity in a group. I sure hope to get back to playing racquetball. I tend to be optimistic when I plan ahead, but I will also remember to take a pause if needed as new people can bring fears and fatigue.

What makes life beautiful is the combination of the new beginnings, the strength from life’s experiences and challenges, the relationships on the path, and holding onto the Rock of my God. Whatever the year brings for me I will trust that I can connect with my God a little deeper and as I risk in relationships I will build some beautiful friendships and memories. When I am able to both give and receive, there is a unity that forms as we are all created equally and need each other in order to heal and flourish.
“With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:2-3 ESV).

I pray that the beginning of 2021 brings you the hope of the Christmas season. May you find what brings you the light, and people to walk with you. If you don’t hear any clear answers, sometimes the silence can bring us to people that open the doors. Sending you love and blessings. “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14 ESV).

Elissa Noble

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